Geek Creativity

An inspired geek is a balanced geek.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Days 13 and 14: Berlin, CT

Saturday, I didn't have much of a chance to take any pictures, so the pictures of the day for Saturday and Sunday are from Berlin, CT, while visiting Kevin's family for Easter.

On the playground
Playground - 4/7/07
There wasn't a whole lot of inspiration outside on the cold, windy, somewhat overcast Easter sunday. Between the giant meal and dessert, Kevin and I walked over to his old elementary school to do some playing around with composition. While this playset isn't the most interesting subject in the world, I like the perspective I took of it, and the lines leading into the center of the image. The colors came from me playing with the RAW file in Adobe Lightroom - I turned the vibrance all the way down to -100 and left the saturation at 0. As taken, the colors were just too bright and overstimulating, but the muted oranges and blues and gray everything else more accurately reflects the type of day and weather.

Reflection in the orb

Reflection in the orb - 4/8/07
Kevin's mother has this orb in the front yard. I couldn't resist using my 70-210mm lens to take a close-up of it, giving a fish-eye, colorful view of Kevin's parents' front yard and street. In the center of the reflection are Kevin and me - if you click to view the larger picture, you'll see more detail.

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